Kendriya Vidyalaya Rail Parisar Gonda is one of the best institution of education at Gonda city. It was established in 1994. It has only Science stream in 10+2 level {C.B.S.E.BOARD} with Computer Science in XI & XII CLASS. From class I to XII only one section is in each class. It is a Civil Sector school. Which has XII as highest class.It is situated inside the Railway Campus BARGOAN area,in Gonda(U.P). It is 5km away from bus station and 3 km from NER railway station GONDA.
KVS : Quick Info
Name | Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gonda |
Principal | Mr. Suresh (M.Sc, B.Ed) |
School Code | 2100085 |
School Up to | Intermediate |
School Type | PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School |
Affiliation | Affiliated from CBSE Board |
Education Medium | English Medium |
Co- Educational | Yes |
Website | | | |
Contact No | 05262-260112 |
Address | Kendriya Vidyalaya Rail Parisar Bargaon, Gonda :271002 Uttar Pradesh |
Thus, this school has emerged as one of its kind in providing disciplined academic atmosphere as well as co-curricular activities with befitting infrastructure. Not like others ,this school have a library which has an impressive collection of the books of all subjects and latest editions of the books,which are always available to students and teachers. There are also a collection of various magazines and periodicals have also enriched the library.
Here, the Primary classes are enjoying the privilege of class library. This school have well equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories. For students of junior classes, junior Science lab in the process of operation. Therefore school have one well equipped air-conditioned Computer Lab with Internet facility with competent computer teachers.
How To Reach KVS Gonda –
(a) It is 3 Km away from Gonda Railway Station.
(b) It is 6 Km away from Gonda Bus Station.
(c) Well connected with Train and Bus Route From Lucknow, Faizabad , Gorakhpur and Balrampur districts.
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